Wealth Protection
Do not just keep all your wealth in cash or properties only. Invest some of your wealths into life insurance, retirement fund and education fund. More secure, more beneficial in the longer run.
How to protect your wealth?
(1) Insurance Planning
(2) Retirement Planning
(3) Education Planning
Wealth Protection #01
Insurance Planning
Why Invest Into Insurance?
Insurance help you to manage your financial risks, whether you are an individual or a business entity.
With proper risk management, individuals and their family members can withstand financial uncertainties in life such as premature deaths, disabilities or major illnesses.
For businesses, insurance can be used to maintain business financial stability and a healthy cashflow in the event of loss of critical assets or key personnel.
Every business faces risks that can present threats to its success. We help you to manage your risks prudently. Share your risks with insurance companies.
How To Plan For Your Insurance Need
We offer a full range of insurance plans & products to meet your insurance needs through our partnership with local and international insurance companies.
Income Protection
Family Protection
Medical Protection
Children Education Savings
Retirement Savings
Mortgage Protection
Business Insurance
Personal Life Insurance
Employee Benefits and Group Insurance Scheme
Wealth Protection #02
Retirement Planning
Why Invest Into Retirement Fund?
We all want to retire early and enjoy our life thereafter. It is never too early or too late to start planning for your retirement. When to retire and how much is sufficient for a comfortable retirement lifestyle.
"Retire young. Retire rich.", quoted Mr. Robert Kiyosaki.
How To Plan For Your Retirement Need
We help you to identify key issues to consider, such as:
How much do you need in retirement?
How much to set aside annually from now until retirement?
What are the retirement investment suitable for you?
How to accumulate your retirement nest-egg?
How to retire young while remain financially independent?
Wealth Protection #03
Education Planning
Why Invest Into Education of Your Children? ?
We want to give our children the best education we can. But the costs of financing a child for a good tertiary education are rising and can range between RM200,000 to RM500,000 or even more.
A good education planning is essential to ensure that you have adequate savings for your child to go for the best college or university you can afford.
How To Plan For Your Children Education Need
We help you to identify key issues to consider, such as:
How much do you want to save for your children education?
What is your timeframe of savings?
Where do you want to send your children for local or oversea university?
Do education savings qualify for tax deductions?